2011年6月27日 星期一

The lord of obama's mensenger and other stories

There are 5 stories about Japan in this book. The Lord of Obama's Messenger is about a fox which thanked for a lord's help, so it changed to a messenger to help the lord did not fail in the duty. The story of Hoichi's Ears is about a blind who was a musician singing the story about a country destroyed. That's ghosts hope him to sing but the blind didn't know who they were. His friends want to help him away them, so he wrote some powerful words which made ghosts could not see him on all the blind's body without ears. Because of it, the ghosts caught the ears in the end. The Farmer and the Crane is about the crane which thanked for the farmer who had helped it from trap. The crane changed it to be a woman to marry the farmer and made soft clothes sold to people and had money. However, the farmer discovered this secret. The crane flew away. The Golbin's Head is about a monk meeting a ghost which was a woodcutter. Because the monk had listened how to escape this difficulty, he rescued himself. The wise Mother is about a son didn't want his mom who was sixty-year-old to die because of the law of his country. As a result of his mom's wisdom that helped the lord to solve problems, the lord concelled the law.
After reading this book, I liked the last story. Because the son didn't obey this law giving up his mom, he can not only give ideas, this wise mom's old experiences and thoughts to his lord but avoid this country offended and rescue other people nearly sixty years old.
(會三丁 97523611 王映琦 level3 page1-57 100/6/22)


